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The Dragon Ball Super TV

The Dragon Ball Super TV Anime Is Ending This March

According to Japan’s Mantan Web, the Dragon Ball Super anime will end its television broadcast run this March.
Update January 19 - 4:45am: Japanese site Sanspo writes that Dragon Ball Super, the fifth anime in the series, is ending this March, adding that Fuji TV says a new production is currently TBA and that “it’s like not the series is finished.” It’s unclear if, in the Fuji TV quote, “series” refers only to Dragon Ball Super or the entire Dragon Ball anime series.

Debuting in Japan in June 2015, Dragon Ball Super’s main story arc was created by Akira Toriyama. Initially, the animation was criticized for being low quality, but the show found its footing, introducing new hair colorsand, briefly, sexy beards, referencing old memes, and unleashing powerful storylines.

A new GeGeGe no Kitaro anime will take over the Dragon Ball Super’s current TV time slot in Japan and begin airing this April. Masako Nozawa, who voices Goku, will be voicing Medama-Oyaji and Piccolo voice actor Toshio Furukawa will play Nezumi-Otoko in the new GeGeGe no Kitaro anime.
بقلم : خليفة آل الشيخ

بقلم : خليفة آل الشيخ

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